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Irish Peatland Conservation Council account of natural history and conservation efforts.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Special Protection Area review.

Geese and people

Scottish Executive Policy report and recommendations of the National Goose Forum
Potential effect of global warming on the Greenland White-fronted Goose
World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge  shows a global range map for White-fronted Goose  WCMC report which predicts dire effects for GWfG consequent on changing climate in West Greenland before 2050 WCMC fact sheet from their arctic birds library
BBC News report of the potential threat.


Adrian Fowles who was on the original 1979 GWGS expedition to Greenland and whose interests are now strictly entomological. This site describes the natural history of Thasos, a Greek island.


Edmund Rice Primary School shows the Irish Greenland white-fronted goose stamp and features the bird’s call.