Author: Anne Fox

  • An Icelandic evening

    An Icelandic evening

    High on a lonely hill in the late afternoon and deep calls drift from a distant flight of swans as they flap their way slowly across the vastness that is the mire at Ferjubakki. Thin grasses bend in the chill breeze that blows from the far-off snowy mountains. There’s little sign of man’s presence here…

  • Background notes for press release

    Background notes for press release

    1. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris is the most distinct sub-species of the circumpolar White fronted Goose Anser albifrons.  It breeds in west Greenland and migrates through Iceland to winter exclusively in Britain and Ireland, where it remains one of the rarest of wintering goose populations. 2. The population declined from 17,500-23,000 in…