Ring collar H3H on Greenland White-fronted Goose, Hvanneyri, Iceland, adult female, 27 April 1999 Anser albifrons flavirostris

Seen a collared bird?

If you have seen a collared Greenland Whitefronted Goose, most likely at one their wintering grounds in the UK and Ireland then please let us know date and location as well as the collar ID of course. You can use the comment form at the end of this post.


One response to “Seen a collared bird?”

  1. Daniel Bergmann avatar
    Daniel Bergmann

    Five ringed GWF at Þykkvibær (Thykkvibaer), Iceland, April 17.

    One w/transmitter HT
    A3A (w/smaller logger)
    A8A (paired w/A3A)