A selection of publications and other resources that are relevant to Greenland White-fronted Geese. Thanks to all those who have helped provide links and files, and especially to Rachel Stroud & RSPB for scanning inumerable old census and other reports!
Copyright: We always try to check copyright before posting publications here, but if there are issues, please contact David Stroud (anseralbifronsflavirostris@hotmail.com) and we will happily remove problematic items!
Table of contents
Complete bibliography
Site inventories
National census & monitoring
Regional survey & monitoring
Counting methods
Population dynamics & viability analyses
Ringing & recoveries
Protected sites
Conservation & policy
Scottish goose management policy
2012 conservation plan
1992 conservation plan
Eilean na Muice Duibhe/Duich Moss, Islay
Agricultural conflicts & related issues
Research in Greenland by field season
Research in Greenland by subject
Distribution and abundance
Breeding biology
Spring migration & staging areas
Canada geese
Research in Iceland by subject
Migration timing & site fidelity
Feeding ecology & energetics
Research in Ireland & Britain by subject
Site fidelity
Social behaviour
Feeding ecology
Other publications
Academic theses
Taxonomy & morphology
Complete bibliography
Complete bibliography of publications related to GWfG (edition of 31 March 2011). (Hot-links to some publications within the word version of the bibliography).
Word version: GWGSBIB.doc
Excel version (key wording still incomplete): GWGSBIBXLS.xls
Edmund Rice Primary School shows the Irish £1 Greenland White-fronted Goose stamp and features the bird’s call.
Irish Peatland Conservation Council account of natural history and conservation efforts.No shooting poster (Galloway).pdf (2 MB) prepared by RSPB and SNH for use in Galloway, Scotland.Francis & Fox 2003. Greenland White-fronted Geese in Scotland. Birding Scotland 6 162-7.pdf
Map 1 – World range of Greenland White-fronted Geese – pdf – Jan 2010.pdf (4.8 MB)
Map 2 – Wintering sites map – pdf – Jan 2010.pdf (280 KB)
Map 4 – Greenland sites map – pdf – May 2010#2.pdf (465 KB)
Map 5 – Map of most threatened wintering flocks – pdf – January 2010.pdf (150 KB)
Map 6 – World range of Greenland White-fronted Geese with Ramsar sites – pdf – Jan 2012.pdf (270 KB)
Site inventories
GB site inventory
Greenland White-fronted Geese in Wales. Nature in Wales review, 1985. Greenland White-fronted Geese in Wales. Nature in Wales 1985.pdf
Ruttledge, R.F. & Ogilvie, M.A. 1979. The past and current status of Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland and Britiain. Irish Birds 1(3): 293-263.
Ruttledge & Ogilvie 1979; pages 293-326.pdf (8.4 MB)
Ruttledge & Ogilvie 1979; pages 327-363.pdf (4.9 MB)
National census and monitoring
Icelandic-British workshop on grey geese, Hvanneyri, Iceland, 28-20 September 2001. Proceedings and Recommendations. 01_021_Hvanneyri.doc
The links below lead to the PDFs of the reports available.
2022/2023 (2.7 Mb PDF)
2021/2022 (2.7 Mb PDF)
2020/2021 (2 Mb PDF)
2019/2020 (646 Kb PDF)
2018/2019 (700 Kb PDF)
2017/2018 (400 Kb PDF)
2016/2017 (500 Kb PDF)
2015/2016 (1.4 Mb PDF)
2014/2015 (1.3 Mb PDF)
2013/2014 (2 Mb PDF)
2012/2013 (1 Mb PDF)
2011/2012 (1.1 Mb PDF)
2010/2011 (1.4 Mb PDF)
2009/2010 (1.7 Mb PDF)
GWGS/NPWS international census report for 2009/10 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain & Ireland 2009-10.pdf (2 MB)
GWGS/NPWS international census report for 2008/09 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain & Ireland 2008-09.pdf
GWGS/NPWS international census report for 2007/08 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain & Ireland 2007-08.pdf
GWGS British census report for 2006/07 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2006-07.doc GWFG0607 table.xls
Fox et al. 2006. The rise and fall of the Greenland White-fronted Goose. British Birds 99; 242-261.pdf
GWGS British census report for 2005/06 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2005-06.doc GWFG0506 table.xls
GWGS British census report for 2004/05 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2004-05.doc GWFG0405 table.xls
GWGS British census report for 2003/04 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2003-04.pdf
GWGS British census report for 2002/03 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2002-03.doc GWFG0203 table.xls
GWGS British census report for 2001/02 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2001-02.doc GWFG0102 table.xls
GWGS British census report for 2000/01 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 2000-01.doc
GWGS British census report for 1999/2000 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1999-2000.doc GWFG9900.xls
GWGS British census report for 1998/99 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1998-99.doc GWFG9899.xls
GWGS British census report for 1997/98 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1997-98.doc CENS9798.xls
GWGS British census report for 1996/97 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1996-97.doc CENS9697.xls
GWGS British census report for 1995/96 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1995-96.doc CENS9596.xls
GWGS British census report for 1994/95 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1994-95.doc CENS9495.xls
GWGS British census report for 1993/94 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1993-94.doc CENS9394.xls
GWGS British census report for 1992/93 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1992-93.doc CENS9293.xls
GWGS British census report for 1991/92
GWGS British census report for 1990/91
NPWS Irish census report for 1990/91 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1990-91.pdf
NPWS Irish census report for 1989/90 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1989-90.pdf
NPWS Irish census report for 1988/89 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1988-89.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1987/88 – 1989/90 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1987-88 – 1989-90.pdf (7 MB)
NPWS Irish census report for 1987/88 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1987-88; NPWS.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1986/87 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1986-87 cover.pdf Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1986-87 text.pdf
NPWS Irish census report for 1986/87 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1986-87; NPWS.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1985/86 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1985-86.pdf (4 MB)
Interim GWGS British census report for autumn 1985
NPWS Irish census report for 1985/86 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1985-86.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1984/85 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain; 1984-85 .pdf
Interim GWGS British census report for autumn 1984 Interim report Greenland White-fronted Goose British census autumn 1984.pdf
NPWS census report 1982/83-1984/85. A report on its status, distribution and the impact of shooting. Greenland White-fronted Geese in Ireland 1982-83 to 1984-85; NPWS.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1983/84 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain; 1983-84.pdf
Interim GWGS British census report for autumn 1983 Interim report Greenland White-fronted Goose British census autumn 1983.pdf
GWGS British census report for 1982/83 Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain 1982-83.pdf
Interim GWGS British census report for autumn 1982
Bird Study paper reporting first British census results, 1982/83 Stroud 1984. Status of Greenland White-fronted Geese in Britain, 1982-83. Bird Study.pdf
Regional survey and monitoring
Francis & Fox 2003. Greenland White-fronted Geese in Scotland. Birding Scotland 6 162-7.pdf
Caithness & Outer Hebrides
Cunningham et al. 1990. Greenland White-fronted Geese in the Outer Hebrides. Hebridean Naturalist.pdf
pt1 _Laybourne Fox 1985 Co-ordinated Greenland White-fronted Goose census Caithness spring 1985 GWGS NCC.pdf
pt2 _Laybourne Fox 1985 Co-ordinated Greenland White-fronted Goose census Caithness spring 1985 GWGS NCC.pdf
pt3 _Laybourne Fox 1985 Co-ordinated Greenland White-fronted Goose census, Caithness, spring 1985 GWGS NCC.pdf
Hunter, J. 2002. Tiree goose roost survey 2001-02.pdf
Batty, P. 1990. Wintering geese in mid-Argyll 1989-90.pdf
Batty, P. 1990. Maps for mid-Argyll survey 1989-90.pdf
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 1.pdf (3.3 MB)
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 2.pdf (3.0 MB)
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 3.pdf (3.9 MB)
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 4.pdf (4.0 MB)
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 5.pdf (5.5 MB)
Ridgill et al. 1994. Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering on Islay. WWT Report to NCC. Part 6.pdf (3.1 MB)
McKay 1992. Progress report on Islay Greenland Whitefront project. WWT Report to NCC. Part 1.pdf (1.9 MB)
McKay 1992. Progress report on Islay Greenland Whitefront project. WWT Report to NCC. Part 2.pdf (3.9 MB)
Northern Ireland
Bain & Mellon 1994. Northern Ireland Greenland White-fronted Goose monitoring project 1994. Part 1. RSPB.pdf (9.7 MB)
Bain & Mellon 1994. Northern Ireland Greenland White-fronted Goose monitoring project 1994. Part 2 – Tables.pdf
Counting methods
Bignal, E.M., Stroud, D.A. & Easterbee, N. (1987). Co-ordinated Goose counting routes on the island of Islay, Argyll. NCC Chief Scientist Directorate Report No. 734. Co-ordinated goose counting routes on Islay. NCC CSD Report 734.pdf (4.6 MB)
Easterbee, N. Bignal, E.M. & Stroud, D.A. (1990). Co-ordinated Goose counting routes on the island of Islay, Argyll: second edition. NCC Chief Scientist Directorate Report No. 1028. Easterbee et al. 1990. Co-ordinated goose counting routes on Islay, Argyll. Second edition. NCC.pdf
Population dynamics and viability analyses
Bell 1993. Population dynamics and management of Greenland Whitefronts on Islay. WWT report to SNH.pdf
Trinder, M. 2010. Status and Population Viability of Greenland White-fronted Geese in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 363.
Fox et al. 1999. Greenland White-fronted Geese population change in Britain & Ireland under legislation, 1982-3 to 1994-5. Wildlife Biology.pdf
Bell, M.C., A.D. Fox, M. Owen, J.M. Black & A.J. Walsh. 1993. Approaches to estimation of survival in two arctic-nesting goose species. In: Marked Individuals in the Study of Bird Populations (eds J.-D. Lebreton & P.M. North), pp 141-155. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
Ringing and recoveries
Kampp, K., Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 1988. Mortality and movements of the Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. //Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidskrifft// 82: 25-36.
Lyngs 2003. Migration and winter ranges of birds in Greenland. Analysis of ringing recoveries. DOFT 97(1).pdf (6.6 MB)
Recoveries and resightings in 2008/09 [dead]
Recoveries and resightings in 2009/10 [dead]
Recoveries and resightings in 2010/11 [dead]
Recoveries and resightings in 2011/12 [dead]
Protected sites
Summary account of UK suite of EU Special Protection Areas for GWfG here.
Site accounts for individual GWfG SPAs:
Caithness Lochs
Sleibhtean agas Cladach Thiriodh (Tiree Coast and Wetlands)
Eilean na Muice Duibhe/Duich Moss, Islay (see also links below for further publications on this site)
Gruinart Flats, Islay
Laggan, Islay
Rinns of Islay
Kintyre Goose Roosts
Loch Lomond
Loch Ken and River Dee Marshes
Loch of Inch and Torrs Warren
Dyfi Estuary
Wexford Slobs:
Wilson et al. 1991. Winter site fidelity of Greenland White-fronted Geese – conservation & management implications. Ardea 79 287-294.pdf
Warren, S.M., Fox, A.D., Walsh, A., Merne, O.J. & Wilson, H.J. 1992. Wintering site interchange amongst Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris captured at Wexford Slobs, Ireland. //Bird Study// 39: 186-194.
Iceland’s first Ramsar site for Greenland White-fronts:
Review of Ramsar sites on Disko with special reference to geese (2001)
General review of the status of Greenland’s Ramsar sites in 2001
Links to websites of GWGS ringing expeditions to Isunngua, west Greenland in July/August 2008, 2009 and 2010. [dead]
Photographic narrative of goose catching in Isunngua in 2009. [dead]
Report of 2009 Ramsar Advisory Mission concerning Ramsar sites in Greenland (published January 2010). [dead]
Conservation and policy
The Wexford Declaration (1992) Wexford Declaration.DOC (Conclusions of the first international GWfG workshop)
Conclusions of the second international GWfG workshop, Islay, 2009 here.
Scottish Goose Management Policy
Crabtree, R., Humphreys, E., Moxey, A. & Wernham, C. 2011. 2010 Review of Goose Management Policy in Scotland. BTO and CJC Consulting report to the Scottish Government.
Scottish Executive’s Policy Report and Recommendations of the National Goose Forum (2000)
Trinder et al. 2005. Status and population viability analyses of geese in Scotland. SNH Report.pdf
Trinder 2010. Status and population viability of Greenland White-fronted Geese in Scotland. SNH Report.pdf (2.3 MB)
Conclusions (and briefing note) of informal international meeting in Edinburgh (April 2004) to discuss the deterioriating status of GWfG: Note of informal international mtg on GWfG – 2004.pdf.
Fox et al 1999 Greenland White-fronted Geese population change in Britain & Ireland under legislation, 1982-3 to 1994-5. Wildlife Biology.pdf (6 MB)
http://www.unep-wcmc.org/climate/waterbirds/a05.jpg shows a global range map for White-fronted Goose [dead]
http://www.unep-wcmc.org/climate/waterbirds/index.htm WCMC report which predicts dire effects for GWfG consequent on changing climate in west Greenland before 2050 [dead]
http://www.unep-wcmc.org/arctic/birds/logo.htm WCMC fact sheet from their arctic birds library [dead]
BBC News report of the potential threat
2012 Conservation Plan
Draft international action plan here.
Press coverage: The Ileach 19 May 2012.pdf [2 MB]
http://www.britishbirds.co.uk/news-and-comment/international-help-for-one-of-the-uk%E2%80%99s-rarest-geese [dead]
1992 Conservation Plan
1992. Programme for international GWfG Workshop, Wexford.pdf
1992 International Conservation Plan; Executive Summary.pdf
1992 International Conservation Plan – pages 1-42.pdf (2.2 MB)
1992 International Conservation Plan – pages 43-94.pdf (3.5 MB)
1992 International Conservation Plan – pages 95-138.pdf (3.2 MB)
1992 International Conservation Plan – pages 139-184.pdf (2.7 MB)
Stroud 1993. Development of int plan for GWfG. IWRB Proceedings.pdf
Greenland White‑fronted Goose Study 1985. A conspectus of information relevant to the conservation of the Greenland White‑fronted Goose (Anser albifrons flavirostris) in Britain and Ireland. Report to the Irish Wildlife Advisory Committee, Dublin. Greenland White-fronted Goose Study Research Report No. 4. Aberystwyth, Dyfed. 17 pp. Conspectus of info relevant to Greenland White-fronted Goose conservation. GWGS.pdf
Eilean na Muice Duibhe/Duich Moss, Islay
Nature Conservancy Council 1986. The importance of Duich Moss, Islay to Greenland White-fronted Geese. Nature Conservancy Council.pdf (3.4 MB)
Nature Conservancy Council 1986. Nature conservation importance of Duich Moss, Scotland, United Kingdom and potential damage to site as a consequence of proposed draingage and peat extraction with consideration of possible alternative sites. Peterborough, UK.
NCC report to European Commission on Duich Moss, Islay. 1986. Part 1.pdf (2.8 MB)
NCC report to European Commission on Duich Moss, Islay. 1986. Part 2.pdf (2.8 MB)
NCC report to European Commission on Duich Moss, Islay. 1986. Part 3.pdf (2.2 MB)
NCC report to European Commission on Duich Moss, Islay. 1986. Part 4.pdf (1.8 MB)
Francis 1986. A drain on geese. Geographical Magazine.pdf
Agricultural conflicts and related issues
Bignal et al. 1991. Islay – a case study in goose management. NCC.pdf
Fox et al. 2005. Effects of agricultural change on two arctic-nesting goose populations. Global Change Biology 11; 881–893.PDF
Research in Greenland (broadly by field season)
Preliminary report of the GWGS 1979 expedition. 1979 prelim report.pdf
Fox, A.D. & Madsen, J. 1981. The pre-nesting behaviour of the Greenland White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons flavirostris). Wildfowl 32: 48‑52.
Fox, A.D., Madsen, J. & Stroud, D.A. 1983. A review of the summer cology of the Greenland White-fronted Goose. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 77: 43‑55.
Fox, A.D. & Ridgill, S.C. 1985. Spring activity patterns of migrating Greenland White-fronted Geese in West Greenland. Wildfowl 36: 21‑28.
Stroud 1982. Greenland White-fronted Goose breeding behaviour. Wildfowl 33, 63-72.pdf
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 1988. The breeding biology of the Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. Meddelelser om Grønland, Bioscience 27: 1‑16.
Greenland White-fronted Goose Study; 1984 Expedition Peliminary Report.pdf (2.8 MB)
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 1988. A pilot aerial survey of Greenland White-fronted Geese, West Greenland, July and August 1988. Wildfowl Trust/Greenland White-fronted Goose Study Report, Slimbridge. 42 pp.
Wright, G. & Mitchell, C. 1993. Report of the 1992 expedition to Isunngua, west Greenland. Greenland White-fronted Goose Study, Aberystwyth. 41 pp.
1992 Isunngua Expedition Report – pages 1-22.pdf
1992 Isunngua Expedition Report – pages 23-41.pdf
Fox, A.D., Glahder, C., Mitchell, C., Stroud, D.A., Boyd, H. & Frikke, J. 1996. North American Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) in west Greenland. Auk 113: 231-232.
Fox, A.D., Kahlert, J., Walsh, A.J., Stroud, D.A., Mitchell, C., Kristiansen, J.N. & Hansen, E.B. 1999. Patterns of body mass change during moult in three different goose populations. Wildfowl 49: 45-56.
Kristiansen, J., Fox, A.D. & Jarrett, N.S. 1999. Resightings and recoveries of Canada Geese Branta canadensis ringed in west Greenland. Wildfowl 50:199-203.
Jarrett, N.S. 1998. The West Greenland Goose Project 1998. Interim Report (October 1998). Unpublished Report. 7 pp.
Jarrett, N.S. 1999. An investigation of inter-specific competition and habitat exploitation of moulting geese in West Greenland. Final report to sponsors of The West Greenland Goose Project 1998. B.Sc. thesis, University of Newcastle. 57 pp.
Malecki, R.A., Fox, A.D. & Batt, B.A. 2000. An aerial survey of nesting Greenland White-fronted and Canada Geese in West Greenland. Wildfowl 51: 49-58.
Post-moult distribution and abundance of white-fronted geese and Canada geese in West Greenland in 2007. Polar Research 29:413-440. Fox & Gladher 2010. Post-moult distribution and abundance of white-fronted geese. Polar Research 29; 413-420.pdf
http://greenland08.wikispaces.com/Expedition+report [dead]
Pennycuick et al. 2010. Migration energetics of GPS tracked geese. J Ornithology.pdf
http://greenland09.wikispaces.com/ [dead]
http://greenland2010.wikispaces.com/ [dead]
Fox et al. 2011. Spread of Canada Geese in Greenland. Wildfowl 61 30-44.pdf
Mitchell, M., Francis, I., Griffin, L., Stroud, D.A., Thomas, H., Weegman, M. & Fox, A.D. 2011. Greenland White-fronted Geese: investigation causes of low reproductive output in Greenland. Spring 2010 fieldwork. Report to Scottish Natural Heritage by Greenland White-fronted Goose Study and Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. 77 pp. [4 Mb file: GWFG_spring_2010_fieldwork_report.pdf]
Stroud, R.A. 2011. A study of interactions between moulting Canada Geese, Branta canadensis interior and Greenland White-fronted Geese, Anser albifrons flavirostris at different temporal and spatial scales in Isunngua, West Greenland. BSc thesis, University of Wales, Bangor. 64 pp. [1.7 MB file: Stroud RA goose interactions thesis 2011.pdf] [dead]
Vogel, E. 2011. Comparison of the behavioural ecology of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris and Canada Geese Branta interior in West Greenland – helping to explain recent fluctuations in a spoecies of conservation concern. BSc thesis, University of Wales, Bangor. 31 pp. [1 MB file: Vogel E 2011 Goose interactions thesis.pdf]
Research in Greenland (by subject)
Fox, A.D. 2003. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. The annual cycle of a migratory herbivore on the European continental fringe. Doctor’s dissertation (DSc). National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 440 pp.
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 2002. Anser albifrons flavirostris Dalgety & Scott 1948, Greenland White-fronted Goose. Birds of the Western Palearctic Update 4(2): 65-88.
Distribution and abundance
Bertelsen, A. 1921. Fuglene I Umanaq Distrikt. Meddelelser on Grønland LXII: 139-215. Bertelsen page 152.bmp Bertelsen page 153.bmp
Translation of Bertelsen 1921 p 152-3.pdf
Salomonsen, F. 1950. Grønlands Fugle. The Birds of Greenland. Munkgaard, Copenhagen. 609 pp. Salomonsen 1950 Grønlands Fugle. The Birds of Greenland.pdf
Salomonsen, F. 1967. Fuglene på Grønland. Rhodos, København. 342 pp. Salomonsen 1967 Waterbirds of Greenland.pdf
Breeding biology
Stroud 1982. Greenland White-fronted Goose breeding behaviour. Wildfowl 33, 63-72.pdf
Fox, A.D., Kahlert, J., Walsh, A.J., Stroud, D.A., Mitchell, C., Kristiansen, J.N. & Hansen, E.B. 1999. Patterns of body mass change during moult in three different goose populations. Wildfowl 49: 45-56.
Fox, A.D., Boyd, H. & Bromley, R.G. 1995. Mutual benefits of breeder/non-breeder associations in White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons. Ibis 137: 151-156.
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 1988. The breeding biology of the Greenland White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons flavirostris). Meddelelser om Gronland 27:1-14.
Fox, A.D., Madsen, J. & Stroud, D.A. 1983. A review of the summer cology of the Greenland White-fronted Goose. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 77: 43‑55.
Spring migration and staging areas
Pennycuick et al. 2010. Migration energetics of GPS tracked geese. J Ornithology.pdf
Fox et al. 2003. Spring migration routes and timing of Greenland white-fronted geese. //Oikos// 103; 415–425.pdf
Gladher et al. 2002. Spring staging areas of White-fronted Geese in West Greenland. //Wildfowl// 53; 35-51.pdf
Glahder, C.M., Fox, A.D. & Walsh, A.J. 1999. Satellite tracking of Greenland White-fronted Geese. //Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift// 93: 271-276.
Canada Geese
Fox et al. 2011. Spread of Canada Geese in Greenland. Wildfowl 61 30-44.pdf
Kristiansen, J., Fox, A.D. & Jarrett, N.S. 1999. Resightings and recoveries of Canada Geese Branta canadensis ringed in west Greenland. Wildfowl 50:199-203.
Fox, A.D., Glahder, C., Mitchell, C., Stroud, D.A., Boyd, H. & Frikke, J. 1996. North American Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) in west Greenland. Auk 113: 231-232.
Research in Iceland (by subject)
Fox, A.D. 2003. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. The annual cycle of a migratory herbivore on the European continental fringe. Doctor’s dissertation (DSc). National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 440 pp.
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 2002. Anser albifrons flavirostris Dalgety & Scott 1948, Greenland White-fronted Goose. Birds of the Western Palearctic Update 4(2): 65-88.
Migration timing and site fidelity
Fox, A.D., Hilmarsson, J.Ó., Einarsson, Ó., Walsh, A.J., Boyd, H. & Kristiansen, J.N. 2002. Staging site fidelity of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris in Iceland. Bird Study 49: 42-49.
Francis, I.S. & Fox, A.D. 1987. Spring migration of Greenland White-fronted Geese through Iceland. Wildfowl 38: 7-12.
Feeding ecology and energetics
Kristiansen, J.N., Fox, A.D., Boyd, H., Nyegaard, T. & Nachmann, G. (submitted) The relationship between preferred food density and grazing white-fronted geese: an example of an asymptotic aggregative response.
Kristiansen et al. 2000. Shoot size selection by geese staging in Iceland. Ardea 88 119-125.pdf
Kristiansen et al. 2000. Benefits of GWfG feeding in mixed species flocks. Ibis 142 142-143.pdf
Kristiansen et al. 1998. Dietary selection of GWfG feeding in Iceland hayfields. Ecography 21 480-483.pdf
Fox et al. 1998. Stimulated grazing on spring growth of Phleum pratense. Oecologia 116 154-159.pdf
Boyd, H., Fox, A.D., Kristiansen, J.N., Stroud, D.A., Walsh, A.J. & Warren, S.M. 1998. Changes in abdominal profiles of Greenland White-fronted Geese during spring staging in Iceland. Wildfowl 49: 45-56.
Research in Ireland and Britain (by subject)
Fox, A.D. 2003. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. The annual cycle of a migratory herbivore on the European continental fringe. Doctor’s dissertation (DSc). National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 440 pp.
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 2002. Anser albifrons flavirostris Dalgety & Scott 1948, Greenland White-fronted Goose. //Birds of the Western Palearctic Update// 4(2): 65-88.
Site fidelity
Marchi et al. 2010. Between-winter emigration and GWfG reproduction. Ibis 152 410-413.pdf
Warren, S.M., Fox, A.D., Walsh, A., Merne, O.J. & Wilson, H.J. 1992. Wintering site interchange amongst Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris captured at Wexford Slobs, Ireland. //Bird Study// 39: 186-194.
Wilson et al. 1991. Winter site fidelity of Greenland White-fronted Geese – conservation & management implications. Ardea 79 287-294.pdf
Social behaviour
Marchi et al. 2010. Between-winter emigration and GWfG reproduction. Ibis 152 410-413.pdf
Warren et al. 1993. Parent-offspring relationships in GWfG. Auk 110 145-148.pdf
Warren, S.M., Fox, A.D., Walsh, A. & O’Sullivan, P. 1992. Age of first pairing and breeding amongst Greenland White-fronted Geese. //Condor// 94: 791-793.
Feeding ecology
Pollard & Walters-Davis 1968. Greenland White-front feeding in Cardiganshire. Wildfowl 19, 108-116.pdf
Fox et al. 1990. Geese feeding on Eriophorum in GB.pdf
Other publications
Boyd, H. & Fox, A.D. 2008. Effects of climate change on the breeding success of White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris in west Greenland. Wildfowl 58: 55-70. Boyd & Fox Effects of climate change of Greenland Whitefront breeding. Wildfowl 58 55-70.pdf
Francis & Fox 2003. Greenland White-fronted Geese in Scotland. Birding Scotland 6 162-7.pdf
Fox, A.D. & Stroud, D.A. 2002. Anser albifrons flavirostris Dalgety & Scott 1948, Greenland White-fronted Goose. Birds of the Western Palearctic Update 4(2): 65-88.
Academic theses
Jarrett, N.S. 1999. An investigation of inter-specific competition and habitat exploitation of moulting geese in West Greenland. Final report to sponsors of The West Greenland Goose Project 1998. B.Sc. thesis, University of Newcastle. 57 pp.
Jarrett 1999 Competition between moulting geese in Greenland. BSc thesis, Newcastle Univ.pdf
Jarrett 1999. BSc thesis literature Review.pdf
Nyeland, J. 2001. Feeding behaviour and competitive interactions of the Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris with special emphasis on spring staging areas in Iceland and moulting geese in Greenland. PhD Thesis, Department of Population Ecology, University of Copenhagen.
Introduction: Nyland, J. 2001. PhD thesis. Pages 1-20 – Introduction.pdf (4.4 MB)
Manuscript 1:
Manuscript 2: Fox, A.D., Hilmarsson, J.Ó., Einarsson, Ó., Walsh, A.J., Boyd, H. & Kristiansen, J.N. 2002. Staging site fidelity of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris in Iceland. Bird Study 49: 42-49.
Manuscript 3: Boyd, H., Fox, A.D., Kristiansen, J.N., Stroud, D.A., Walsh, A.J. & Warren, S.M. 1998. Changes in abdominal profiles of Greenland White-fronted Geese during spring staging in Iceland. Wildfowl 49: 45-56.
Manuscript 4: Kristiansen et al. 2000. Benefits of GWfG feeding in mixed species flocks. Ibis 142 142-143.pdf
Manuscript 5: Kristiansen et al. 1998. Dietary selection of GWfG feeding in Iceland hayfields. Ecography 21 480-483.pdf
Manuscript 6: Kristiansen & Fox 2001 Asymmetric insolation interception in Deschampsia tussocks.pdf
Manuscript 7: Fox et al. 1998. Stimulated grazing on spring growth of Phleum pratense. Oecologia 116 154-159.pdf
Manuscript 8: Kristiansen et al. 2000. Shoot size selection by geese staging in Iceland. Ardea 88 119-125.pdf
Manuscript 9: Kristiansen et al. 2001. Relationship between food density and grazing White-fronted Geese.pdf
Manuscript 10: Kristiansen, J., Fox, A.D. & Jarrett, N.S. 1999. Resightings and recoveries of Canada Geese Branta canadensis ringed in west Greenland. Wildfowl 50:199-203.
Manuscript 11:
Manuscript 12:
Manuscript 13: Fox, A.D., Kahlert, J., Walsh, A.J., Stroud, D.A., Mitchell, C., Kristiansen, J.N. & Hansen, E.B. 1999. Patterns of body mass change during moult in three different goose populations. Wildfowl 49: 45-56.
Manuscript 14: Kristiansen et al. 2001. Field methods to assess flight muscle volume in molting geese.pdf
Nyegaard, T. 2001. Aktivitetsbudget, fedtakkumulering og energibudget hos Grønlandsk Blisgås Anser albifrons flavirostris under forårsrast i Island. Unpublished Masters Degree Thesis, University of Copenhagen.
Fox, A.D. 2003. The Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. The annual cycle of a migratory herbivore on the European continental fringe. Doctor’s dissertation (DSc). National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 440 pp.
Stroud, R.A. 2011. A study of interactions between moulting Canada Geese, Branta canadensis interior and Greenland White-fronted Geese, Anser albifrons flavirostris at different temporal and spatial scales in Isunngua, West Greenland. BSc thesis, University of Wales, Bangor. 64 pp. [1.7 MB file: Stroud RA goose interactions thesis 2011.pdf] [dead]
Vogel, E. 2011. Comparison of the behavioural ecology of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris and Canada Geese Branta interior in West Greenland – helping to explain recent fluctuations in a spoecies of conservation concern. BSc thesis, University of Wales, Bangor. 31 pp. [1 MB file: Vogel E 2011 Goose interactions thesis.pdf]
Taxonomy and morphology
Dalgety, C.T. & Scott, P. 1948. A new race of the White-fronted Goose. The Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 68: 109-121. Dalgety & Scott 1948 A new race of White-fronted Goose BOU Bulletin 68, 108-121.pdf
Salomonsen, F. 1948. Blisgaasen (Anser albifrons (Anser albifrons (Scop.)) og dens slaegtinge. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 42: 102-108. Salomonsen 1948. Blisgaasen og dens slaegtinge. DOFT 42, 102-108.pdf
Ely et al. 2005. Circumpolar variation in White-fronted Goose morphology. Bird Study 52 104-119.pdf
Kristiansen, J.N., Walsh, A.J., Fox, A.D., Boyd, H. & Stroud, D.A. 1999. Variation in the belly barrings of the Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris. Wildfowl 50: 21-28.
Wilson et al. 2022. As the Goose Flies: Migration Routes and Timing Influence Patterns of Genetic Diversity in a Circumpolar Migratory Herbivore. Diversity 14: 1067